We know inviting someone into your home is a big deal. All the cleaners are carefully vetted by us so we choose the right person to care for your home.
We guarantee your Vast cleaning professional, will always be:
We're mobile friendly. Book just as easily from your mobile phone as you can on your computer.
VAST helps you live smarter, giving you time to focus on what's most important.
We reference check the team as well as conduct in-person interviews.
Vast aligns itself to the British Institute of cleaning science (bics), and as such our standards are of the highest level
We are a professional online booking platform that allows you to arrange your cleaning in 60 seconds
Online communication makes it easy for you to stay in touch with us in five different ways
Pay securely online or sign up as a regular client and we bill monthly
0203 8658365
Bromyard House,
Bromyard Avenue